Trucks in landscape

An ethical and responsible Group

Fraikin UK focus on its ESG strategy, creating a robust programme that helps key stakeholders understand how our organisation manages the risks and opportunties to achieve a sustainable value creating business model.

Fraikin’s CSR policy is based on the respect of ethical principles, the preservation of the environment, the consideration of social issues and the principle of equal opportunity. This solid policy has enabled Fraikin Group to be ranked among the top 1% of companies in its sector.

Our ethical responsibility

Ethics and the fight against corruption: the pillars of our responsibility  

Ethics is an essential pillar of the Group’s responsibility. We have adopted an Ethics Charter that defines individual and collective behaviour to ensure healthy, balanced and transparent relationships with all our stakeholders.  

In addition, an anti-bribery code of conduct enables employees to understand the concepts of corruption, influence peddling and conflicts of interest, and to adapt their behaviour on a daily basis.  


A responsible purchasing policy  

In terms of purchasing, Fraikin’s goal is to buy in a way that has a positive impact on the region. In order to place CSR at the heart of its purchasing process, Fraikin Group has made use of the ISO 20400 standard. Our responsible purchasing policy takes into account the following factors:  

  • ethics: fight against illegal work, reduction in discrimination  
  • environment: control of environmental impact, waste management, management of hazardous products, etc.  
  • social: working conditions, workforce integration, etc.  


Certified quality management  

In addition, the Group has long applied the principles of quality management certified by the ISO 9001 standard. This certificate validates, among other things, our strong customer focus, the motivation and commitment of management, the process approach and continuous improvement. Fraikin UK actively work on continual improvement across all its locations with sustainability and ESG as a core enabler to long-term success.  


Our responsibility as an employer

A safe working environment  

As a responsible employer, Fraikin is developing an ever safer working environment for its employees. In the UK, the awarding of ISO 45001 certification is attributable to a comprehensive approach to both physical and mental health. It places the protection of our employees’ health at the forefront of all processes and planning. This certification has a definite impact on the way the public, job applicants and customers perceive our company.  


An ambitious disability policy  

Fraikin Group has introduced a “Mission Handicap” policy for the recruitment and integration of disabled employees, to prepare for the future and while applying an inclusive approach.

It also involves adapting workstations and supporting the employees concerned so that they obtain recognition of their status as disabled workers.


 All contributors to an inclusive and egalitarian company  

Finally, equity,diversity and inclusion is a factor that shapes social cohesion in the company and in society as a whole. At Fraikin, it is also a source of innovation and performance. At all levels of the company, each employee has a personal responsibility to build and maintain an inclusive culture by participating in the integration of differences and the fight against discrimination.  

“Equity, diversity, and inclusion is not a subject or a goal, it is a prerequisite. In our shortage occupations, we need every skill and cannot exclude any.”  

Suzanne Condes, Fraikin UK HR Director 

Fraikin is committed to increasing the presence of women in its workforce at all levels of the company. The Group focuses on a hierarchical and functional balance to strengthen gender equality in the workplace. We are committed to ensuring strict equality of opportunity and treatment. 

Our social responsibility

Driving energy transition  

While Fraikin is working with its customers to prepare the energy transition of vehicle fleets, the Group is also committed to its own approach to energy sobriety and conservation. Everywhere, on its premises and at its branches, Fraikin is raising awareness among all its staff of the good habits to adopt to minimise energy use.  

In the UK, an initiative to modernise the lighting in branches has been taken, including the replacement of existing lighting with LEDs, which are gentler and use less electricity.  

An energy audit of the buildings was also carried out to identify our energy saving opportunities, with a programme to improve with more energy-efficient equipment and to focus on the key areas with greatest protential for omission  reductions.  


A lighter carbon footprint  

In terms of decarbonisation, the first action to be taken is to establish our own emissions, by carrying out a carbon footprint assessment. After calculating scopes 1 and 2, Fraikin Group voluntarily undertook to assess scope 3 (indirect emissions).  

As players in the mobility sector, we are fully aware of the value of telematics as a tool to better control vehicle energy consumption. Fraikin has therefore accelerated the roll-out of this technology in the UK, where over 8,000  devices have already been implemented across our fleet.  

Procuring green electricity also helps to accelerate the Group’s decarbonisation. In Spain, a contract has been signed with a renewable-energy supplier. In France, a green-electricity procurement contract with a European guarantee of origin came into effect on 1 January 2022.  

Our environmental responsibility 


Committed to safer roads  

For a Group with a fleet of over 60,000 vehicles, road-related risk is a major human and financial issue. Raising driver awareness of road safety is therefore of paramount importance. We have developed a training and support offer which, through eco-driving, has led to a reduction in the accident rate by almost 30%.  

This offer, provided by the Fraikin Safety Academy, combines prevention modules and practical exercises in half-day and one-day sessions. It is optional and open to drivers employed by our customers. 

In the UK, Fraikin has a person dedicated to this sensitive topic and options to improve road safety are offered through, for example, the provision of eco-driving training, which has a proven positive impact on the accident rate.  Training in good driving practices and in the use of vehicle safety equipment accompanies all vehicle deliveries.  


FRAIKIN supports local associations  

Being a responsible Group also means working alongside associations wherever we are present. Fraikin supports associations in various fields, from medical research to solidarity, sport and culture.  

In Benelux, Fraikin supports Special Olympics, a movement that promotes the training and competition of athletes with a mental disability.  

This support takes the form of the provision of vehicles, a financial contribution, but also individual or collective commitments by employees.  

Fraikin Poland has been particularly prominent in recent months in its support for neighbouring Ukraine. Some of the actions carried out include: the collection of products for transit centres for mothers and their children from Ukraine, the transport of 21 tonnes of food to a children’s aid centre, and the use of fleet vehicles to transport medical equipment for the ERMED Foundation, which operates on the front lines in Ukraine. Fraikin Poland has also facilitated the transfer of two ambulances supplied by Fraikin Spain to the border with Ukraine.  


A permanent search for more fairness  

Fraikin’s commitment to society also includes working with responsible suppliers who are also socially committed.  

We thereby choose to work with organisations that take concrete actions in favour of employment, training and socio-professional support for people with a disability.  

Whether it concerns printing work, the maintenance of green spaces, event organisation or the supply of office equipment, these suppliers who are supported by Fraikin actively participate in the integration of and equal opportunities for those with a disability.  

Discover the four pillars that are part of our ESG strategy

Driven by a materiality assessment of high impact areas to our business

Our ethical responsibility
  • ISO 9001 certification 
  • Responsible purchasing policy  
  • Ethics Charter  
  • Anti-bribery code of conduct  
Our responsibility as an employer
  • ISO 45001 certification in the UK 
  • GreatPlace to work® 
  • Disability agreement renewed in 2023 
  • Inclusion and diversity policy 
Our social responsibility 
  • Decrease in claims 
  • Support for local associations 
  • Selection of responsible service providers 
Our environmental responsibility 
  • ISO 14001 (environment) certification 
  • Energy transition 
  • Preservation of resources 
  • Carbon offsetting 

Public Statements and Certification

Fraikin has long applied a commitment to our responsbilities and management of the process approach and continuous improvement. Fraikin actively works on continual improvement across all its locations with sustainability and ESG as a core enabler to long-term success.

Fraikin public statement

Gender Pay Gap Narrative

Fraikin public statement

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking


ISO 9001: 2015 UKAS Certificate


ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018 UKAS Certificate


CYBER ESSENTIALS - Certificate of Assurance


Certificate of membership - LOGISTICS UK


Certificate of membership - BVRLA